Friday, January 22, 2010

5 Things

The 5 definite things I can say I learned in Mr. Fielders class…

Learning to Write Papers

One thing I learned was how to write a GOOD paper, to include paragraphs, eliminate clutter, and use creative writing to better understand and make the paper more electrifying and unique to the reader and myself. Learning this definitely helped me throughout the year with other assignments and blogs.

Learning to Use Grammar

Grammar was probably one of the most confusing but helpful things I’ve learned this year, especially with the apostrophes and the Jones’, and all this time I thought I was fantastic at grammar, but learning this convinced me that I have a lot more to learn than there, they’re and their.

Learning to Margin Note

Something else that was helpful was, the margin notes, and though I dread (to fear greatly) hearing the name and thinking the thoughts of them, they really did help me not only better understand what I was reading, but to better store and organize the information in my brain, and will hopefully help me in the future.

Learning to Write Blogs

At first I thought blogs would be fun, but after awhile they turned into somewhat of a chore, but they did of course, expand my creative writing skills, and though sometimes I had to serious with them, like this for example, I did better understand myself, my style of writing and using to my advantage when writing other papers or essays.

Learning to Understand Myths

Though we hadn’t learned much about myths yet, I at least know what one is thanks to Gilbert Ryle. A myth doesn’t change facts, it twists around what isn’t a fact to intensify a story and make it more interesting. One thing I can definitely say about myths is that they aren’t fairytales, or “fairy stories”, according to Gilbert and his very confusing quote.